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Stock No. 6217

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DH Mosquito Aircraft Parts - Click for the bigger picture

DH Mosquito Aircraft Parts

Another small selection of crash recovered aircraft parts from the collection we have just bought, this time from a De Havilland Mosquito. Like the other relics we are listing we don't have the specific details of the airframe they were recovered from but have been told they relate to a late WWII 'Mossie' circa 1944-45. The largest and most impressive item to the rear centre of our picture is described as a section of elevator torque tube. Whilst for sale as a relic item it appears to be in near perfect condition and could well be utilised in you have a static build in process. It is profusely stamped with the Mosquito part number J9891 1SS8 and DH 1165 as well as HHM with 53 below enclosed in a circle.

In addition we have various other Mosquito parts including a control rod from the rudder operating system stamped J98139, again in very good conserved condition. The other assorted parts have been described by the previous owner as ' an engine component mounting bracket, a coolant flexible joint sleeve, a damaged piece of rubber brake pipe tubing and a skin section'. This however carries stamping A 93928 -1 rather than the Mosquito '98' code and we speculate this may have been recovered from another aircraft but is included with this package.

We also have some larger Mosquito crash relics we will shortly be listing, obtained from the same collection.

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