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Luftwaffe Parachute Quick Release Buckle - Click for the bigger picture

Luftwaffe Parachute Quick Release Buckle

A good semi relic example of the war time Lufwaffe Parachute Harness Quick Release Box (SA-Schloss) as used on WWII aircrew seat and chest parachutes and was also used by German Airborne Fallschirmjager troops. It is clearly engraved to the front plate with "Gurtzeug Ablegen", a directional arrow and below "Drehen, Dann Drücken". Roughly translated these are operating instruction "To Release harness : Turn and push". Further text is engraved on the side of the box reading "Gesichert" meaning "Safe" or "Secured" and "Ensichert" indicating the buckle is "Unlocked". The back is fully stamped and was manufactured by Autoflug Berlin against Fl number 30232 and werk number 2043984. This pattern was used on most Luftwaffe parachute harnesses, including both the seat and chest-type. In service the parachute would have carried four harness attachment buckles, that would have slotted into, and were locked by, the buckle ; these are now absent although we have attached a refrence phtograph to illustrate the set up. We have also included a period operational photograph showing an HE 111 crew, with the Obsever wearing a similar buckle.

This QRB was ground dug here in the UK but sadly the details of the recovery have been lost. It has minor corrosion to the front and back plates and the assembly screws but overall it remains in very good display condition. Interestingly the mechanism is now seized in the "Ensichert" position so it is hoped the wearer survived the incident in which he was clearly involved. It may be possible to free the locking mechanism, but as with all our stock we prefer to leave in 'as found' condition and were it to be able to talk it most certainly would have a story to tell!

Measures 3" x 2.5" (7.5 cm x 6.3 cm)

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