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RAF Form 700 Aircraft Log Book Inspection Bag - Click for the bigger picture

RAF Form 700 Aircraft Log Book Inspection Bag

a critical piece of kit without which RAF aircraft simply did not fly! The Form 700 bag effectively contained the individual aircrafts log book and carried a full record of any problems or issues the airframe might have suffered. These were were reported to the ground crew using the Form 700 and the four page flight engineers log was handed in for review and signature after return from a trip. Our bag seems to be made from the same material as the hugely desirable navigators bag. It shows normal service grub to the outside and with details stencilled on the front as show. When this came in we had not history with it but after a bit of detective work we speculated KJ 880 could have been the A/C registration. We have been able to establish KJ880 was designated to to an RAF Dakota 1V and a little of her WWII and post war history is summarised below : C-47B-5-DK, 43-48564 D26Aug44 - KJ880 RAF Montreal 110ct44 - 147 Sq - 1333 (TS)CU 18Nov46 - Med ME 08Jul48 - Iraq Comm Flt 22Jul48 - 22MU/UK 28Sep50 - G-AMSF BKS Aerocharter Ltd "Whitten Brown" R21Apr52 - BKS Air Tpt Ltd ROlJan54 - Op as XF646 for troop contracts during 1954 - Crewsair Ltd Jan59 - Don Everall (Avn) Ltd R26Mar59 - Alares Developments Ltd Jun60 - Cr 05Mar62 Elmdon Apt, Birmingham. Sadly the bag is now empty but an interesting an unusual artefact the like of which we have not had here before.

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