Oldnautibits News
Somerset, England - 13th May 2002

Oldnautibits to be featured on TV!

Pilot Officer JohnnyOldnautibits have just returned from the Shepton Mallet Antique & Collectors' Fair. It is a welcome change to report that the sun shone for the three full days and we were pleased to welcome a vast number of visitors to our stand in the Mendip 2 Hall. David Dickinson and the teams from TV's Bargain Hunt were filming for the new series and the Red team were attracted by our display's mannequin "Pilot Officer Johnny", who was rigged out in the full flying kit of a bomber pilot circa 1940/41. On camera they are seen trying on a fine Royal New Zealand Air Force 'B' type flying helmet and a 'D' type oxygen mask - unfortunately their budget did not stretch to this rare named item! We will keep you posted as to when the show is due to go out.

We received very positive feedback on our new stand and our range of stock. We met with a number of old friends but were pleased to make numerous new contacts - it's great to welcome back post "9 -11" collectors from North America who are returning to the market. Overseas buyers provided a large part of our business at the fair; a nice pair of mark 111A "Battle of Britain" flying goggles are destined for the States; a French dealer exchanged euros for pounds and then bought heavily into our marine stock, which included a huge ship's window.

Our stand at Shepton MalletWe also used the fair to source from the trade and private collectors. We have added an original Irvin jacket and a pair of Mark V111 goggles to our restoration stock; on the marine side we picked up a nice A.P. electric gimbal wardroom lamp of World War II vintage. We are now preparing for our next fair at Carmarthen on the 25th and 26th May, so if you are planning to visit (this is the largest Antiques Fair in Wales), please come and look us up!