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Hawker Tempest JN765 Crash Relics - Click for the bigger picture

Hawker Tempest JN765 Crash Relics

Mounted on a framed display board and includes various components officially recovered under MOD license by the Tangmere Military Aviation Museum in 1995. The aircraft of No. 3 squadron was being flown by Flying Officer George Kosh on 1st July, 1944 and was scrambled to inctercept a VI Flying Bomb. The aircraft was seen to enter low cloud but emerged in a steep dive and crashed near Winchelsea in Sussex. The pilot failed to bail out and is buried in Hawkinge. Varous air frame componenets are displayed including riveted fuselage skin and a section of the rubber dinghy. Frame measures 26" x 20" (66 cm x 51 cm)

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