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10th September 2024

Come Rain or Shine

The time has come to finally update our blog entry with a current news update. Many visitors to the site will have been disappointed by the lack of new stock postings during the year to date, so time for an explanation. Sadly, as reported in our December 2023 blog entry, the severe weather last winter had a direct impact on us. Located on the very edge of the Somerset Levels and we had the misfortune of being badly flooded on 4.12.23, and again exactly one month later thanks to the attention of 'Storm Henk. '

I predicted then that we would face 6 months of total disruption because of the damage caused to our home, but sadly I totally misjudged the situation. Now, more than 8 months in, reinstatement of the property has yet to commence. Our revised estimate was based around the hope we could move back by Christmas, but even that date is now looking problematic. Dealing with a plethora of different agencies and personnel has proved hugely challenging and has effectively become a full-time job. In the meantime, whilst the business is still ticking over, it has effectively been run on autopilot, and is likely to continue without the CO on the bridge for the remainder of the year.

On a more optimistic front, and despite the lack of progress restoring our flood damaged home, we have been proactive in other areas and have invested heavily in a comprehensive flood mitigation programme. Despite zero assistance from outside agencies, we now have a system in place that we hope will prevent any repeat of the incidents we experienced in the winter of 2023/4. These measures will enable us to sleep at night without constantly watching out for the next weather warning and approaching storm.

In conclusion, rest assured we are still in business and hopefully come the New Year normal service will be resumed, when we can continue to service clients old and new. If in the meantime you have any special requirements, please drop us a mail via the enquiry screen and despite the external challenges we face, we are still offering a restricted service. One casualty of our current situation, however, is for the first time in over 20 years trading we have taken the difficult decision to axe our widely anticipated company Christmas card, but hopefully normal service will be resumed for 2025!

Geoff Pringle
10th September 2024

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